WIDA Screener

Student using computer

The WIDA Screener is an English language proficiency test given to incoming students who may be designated as multilingual learners (MLLs). It assists educators with programmatic placement decisions such as identification and placement of MLLs.

Incoming students who may be designated as multilingual learners (MLLs) must be screened using an English language proficiency test in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

The Kinder WIDA Screener is administered to K and first semester 1st grade students in a 1:1 setting and is available in a paper form only.  First grade students entering the district in the spring will take the WIDA Screener online or paper version.

The Screener for grades 1-12 is administered online or on paper based on student needs.

Both assessments assist educators with programmatic placement decisions such as identification and placement of MLLs.

Administration Window 2023-24

WIDA Screener assessments will be due within 10 days from the first day of school for students that enroll within the first month of school. After the first month of school the due dates will be reduced to 4 days after the student’s first day of school.


WIDA Screener is not a district-wide assessment and individual results are not published.